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The Story of the Founding of Caid

Tali Essen of the Isles            

Caid was founded in 1978, the sixth child of the West Kingdom. When they decided to become a
Principality, however, they ran across a problem: What to name themselves? The first three kingdoms
were named after where they were, how boring! After them had come Atenveldt fourthly, and Meredies,

So what should they, the Sixth Kingdom, name themselves? Up to this time they had been called “The
Southern Baronies”, but the South Kingdom just sounded funny. And derivative. So they thought. And
they thought. And they thought some more.

Maybe the names of these Baronies that had formerly been referred to as the Southern Baronies was
something they could use?

One evening four founding members met over mead to discuss the name of the future Principality.

“Why don’t we take the founding Baronies and use them to somehow come up with a name?” asked one
bright person.

“But what can we get from Isles, Calafia, Dreiburgen, and Angels?” said a second.

“What about Angelis? That seems like a good name for a Kingdom…” said a third.

“Nah the people in Los Angeles have high enough ego as it is, they might get the wrong idea,”
responded the first, “but… If we take the initials, it means “tower” in Arabic…hmm…”

“That seems so boring, though,” responded the second.

“Oh! I’ve got it!” So said a person in the room who had until this point been looking at the
wallpaper in the room with a level of fascination that certainly was not normal. “We could call it
Acid!” Then that one fell back into meditative silence, and there was a long pause.

“Well,” said the third, slowly, “That is the order of creation of the Southern Baronies… A,C,I,D…”

“Have you lost your mind?!” exclaimed the second, “‘Acid’? As a Kingdom name?”

“Well, tripping was a period thing,” said the third, “it could just work…”

“Oh sure,” said the second, “people might join a Kingdom named Acid. But how would we keep them?
They would join up, then drop out!”

“So…” muttered the first, “Caid it is.”

Now, if this is how the conversation went on in that room or not I cannot say, but it should have
been said thus, and now it has been said thus.

Permission is granted to be performed at SCA events/bardics/ect with attribution.

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