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Monster 'Neath My Bed

Cerian Cantwr            

A monster is hiding out under my bed.
This dark thought does chill me and fill me with dread.
Be it goblin or ghost, alive or undead?
That dreaded foul fiend that lives under my bed.

At night ever wakeful, a sharp watch I keep.
My eyes are wide open, I won't sleep a peep.
No monster will catch me as I start to nod.
You won't catch me napping, of you I'm unawed.

The danger is greatest and darkest of all
When I have to get up to meet Nature's call.
As soon as my toe touches down on the floor,
I run from his grasp and I sprint for the door.

But when I return, that's when he thinks he'll win.
He'll grab for my ankle and pull me on in.
But I'm smarter than he, that grim gruesome leech
I jump for my bed while I'm well out reach.

While I settle back safe, sound, and alive
He gnashes his teeth, all six hundred and five.
He calls out to me, with his voice dripping gore,
"Come down here my dear, rest your feet on the floor."

But I won't succumb to his sick siren song.
I'll cover my ears and I'll show him who's strong.
But mad he might start oozing from 'neath the bed,
So up go the blankets, high over my head.

If even this measure won't foil his plot,
It's time for the ultimate weapon I've got.
I call for my parents, that gives him a scare.
Their glance sends him scurrying back to his lair.

My folks cause the monster to flee for the night,
Now I can sleep safely until morning's light.
Soon I'll fight him myself, with punches and kicks,
For I'm almost big enough, I'm nearly six.

Tomorrow our battle begins once again,
He'll silently stalk me from inside his den.
But I will fear neither his grasp nor his tread
That silly old monster who's under my bed.

(c) 1995 Cerian Cantwr

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This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com.