Aaron faheud Swiftrunner |
Alan Fairfax |
Albreda Ismeria |
- Part of Introduction to the Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer)
Alexander de Seaton |
Alfred of Chester |
- Elf Queen
- Marriage of Sir Gawain, The (Percy Folio)
- Werewolf (Marie de France)
Amelie d'Anjou |
Andrew Blackwood MacBaine |
Annalena Cecilia Massari |
- Four Ancient Greek Songs [Simple Day 2023] (Mesomedes, Anonymous)
- The Man Who Can't Forget [Simple Day 2023] (Tommy Reilly & Roddy Hart)
- Road to Pompeii Concert - Musica Nebulae and Brendoken Choir
Anonymous |
Arrienne Ashford |
- unnamed french song
- unnamed Gaelic piece (unknown)
- unnamed piece
Auda ingen ui Bhaird |
Belle de la Tour |
Breddelwyn ap Taliesin |
- Consolation of Elphin (Anon)
- Dreams of a King
- People Live On
- Smash the Mask
- Thorbjorn
- To Be a Bard (Guernen Cimarguid)
- Two Wolves
- Unnamed Piece 1
Brendan O Corraidhe |
Brendoken Choir |
- We Are Vikings (unknown)
Brigitta Rosa von Metten |
- Here in the Mid-Realm
- Ynes Spring Crown 2019 Song
Caneus of Illiton |
Caroline de Mercier |
- Decameron story - 9th day, 2nd tale (Giovanni Boccaccio)
- Six French Brothers
- Three Coins
- Tikki-TIkki-No
- Unnamed Story
Catalin Zoldszem |
- Camilla's Hymn (Camilla Werner Katlack & John Inchingham)
- Conversation with a Toad (Dollie Ricketts & Olaf ByGolly)
- Gran' Nuncle Dagan (John Inchingham)
- Smuggler's Song (Rudyard Kipling)
- Stars (Marian of Heatherdale)
Cerian Cantwr |
- Alchemy
- Amorous Elephants
- Anadactus
- Archer's Tale
- AS 5 Re-enactment Group [Pennsic 44 Concert] (Emil Allzuwissender)
- Ballad of Captain Arrrr
- Ballad of Saint Bunstable, The
- Ballad of St Bunstable, The
- Ballad of St Bunstable, The [Pennsic 42 Concert]
- Ballad of St Bunstable, The [Pennsic 43 Concert]
- Banshee's Lullaby
- Barbara (The Vampire Slayer) Allen
- Barbara (The Vampire Slayer) Allen [TGS 12th Night 2016]
- Barbara [the Vampire Slayer] Allen [Pennsic 43 Concert]
- Beer of Ballydoyle
- Beer of Ballydoyle [Pennsic 45 Concert]
- Beer of Ballydoyle, The
- Beo-Limerick
- Boreal Master: Madison Ave vs Ship of Snorgloid
- Can't Swing a Dead Selkie
- Candle in the Window
- Candy Bug
- Carniverous Cheese
- Chivalry Went for Pizza
- Coconuts and Friends
- Death, Doom, and Gloom
- Death, Doom, and Gloom [Pennsic 42 Concert]
- Death, Doom, and Gloom [Pennsic 43 Concert]
- Death, Doom, and Gloom [Pennsic 44 Concert]
- Drunken Shoemaker
- Dry Your Eyes My Gypsy
- Farmer's Son [Pennsic 42 Concert]
- Farmer's Son [Pennsic 43 Concert]
Charles Cedric Morton |
Charles of Whithorse |
Charric Van der Vliet |
Cinaed Ulric, Amhranai tan Briongloid |
Court & Country |
- Alle Psallite Cum Luya (Anon)
- Blow Thy Horn Hunter (William Cornysh)
- Calabaza No Sé, Buen Amor (Anon)
- Carmina Burana, in the Original Klingon (En: Michael Alewrig, Kl: Jeremy Cowan)
- Concert: O Occhi Manza Mia (Orlando di Lasso)
- Happy Birthday (music: Dona Nobis Pacem)
- O Lord in Thee is All My Trust (Thomas Tallis)
- Three Ravens (Anon)
Dahrien Cordell |
- 'Cause I'm a Bard (v.1) [Pennsic 41 Concert]
- 'Cause I'm a Bard (v.1) [Pennsic 42 Concert]
- Bardic Madness Challenge (Improv)
- Bullfighter of Love
- Catapult Song (various)
- Dahrien's Little Counting Song
- Dahrien's Little Latin Lesson
- Draw Back the Bow
- Draw Back the Bow [Pennsic 43 Concert]
- I am King
- Ki Kiri Ki (Trad)
- Low and Common (Gweredd verch Rhys)
- Maol Mhichil's Still in Court Today
- Mother's Darkest Nightmare
- Mother's Darkest Nightmare [Pennsic 44 Concert] (Dahrien Cordell and Avery Austringer)
- Muppet Short Road to Glory
- Northshield Rise
- Oh No, It's Dahrien [Pennsic 42 Concert]
- One More Log
- One More Log [Pennsic 43 Concert]
- One More Log [Pennsic 44 Concert]
- Pomposity Song [Bardic Madness 2014]
Dai Gerdwr |
Damian Nihthauk |
- Herald Song
- Last Hero (Moonwulf Starkaadersson)
- Mid-Realm Toll Road
- Over the Hills & far Away
- Pennsic Bridges
- Swordsman (Michael Longcor)
- Whoever Weeps for the Queen (John Inchingham)
- Win My Love a Reign
Davydd of Illiton |
- Salmon of Knowledge, The
Deirdre MakKyneth |
Dervila ni Leanon |
Dolan Madoc of Harlech |
Dorothea de Beckham |
Drake Oranwood |
Dre' (un-DREY-uh) Monson |
Elashava bas Riva |
Emil Allzuwissender |
Eyja Bassadóttir |
- Atlasǫngr
- Kennut Hvat
- March of the Viking (Filk of 'March of the Griffin' by Jose São Pacian)
- Öxardræpingr
- Reflection
- Rememberance
- Rouse or Ruin
- Shield Song
- Talvíss Sǫngr: Norse Counting Song Translated (Translated from Skaldvør called Wyndreth)
- Til Ragnarøk
- Try Try Try: A Triolet
- Until We Meet Again
- Víðadrápa
Ezra ha-Yona |
Francis Corbie |
Garraed Galbraith |
- Veil, The
Gunnbjorn Gunnarsson |
Gwendolyn Merch Llewelyn |
- Here I Am Amongst You (Trad)
- Isabella's Defense
- Lake, The
- Letter to HR (Michelangelo Buonarroti)
- Minute Lullaby
- My First Event
- Pirate Liquor
- Rasberry Gorget
- Suicide is Painless - A Song for Corwyn Dragonstar
- Three Bargainers (Andrew of Wolvenwood)
- Unicorn Test
- Unknown Period Piece (Trad)
- You'll Hear that Dragon Sing
- Young Maid's Fancy, The
Heregyth Ketilsdottir |
Hildigunnr Halldorsdottir |
- I Can Shoot a Recurve
- It's Fun to Be a Lady, But It's Great to Arm and Fight
- My name is Hildigunnr and I'm Norse
Hilla Stormbringer |
House Sans Nomen |
- One More Log [Pennsic 45 Concert] (Dahrien Cordell)
- Sans Nomen Rag (John Inchingham)
- Sans Nomen Rag [Pennsic 44 Concert] (John Inchingham)
- Sans Nomen Rag [Pennsic 45 Concert] (John Inchingham)
- SCAdian Yodeler (Lorelei Skye & Lucia Elena Braganza)
- SCAdian Yodeler [Pennsic 42 Concert] (Lorelei Skye & Lucia Elena Braganza)
- SCAdian Yodeler [Pennsic 43 Concert] (Lorelei Skye & Lucia Elena Braganza)
John ap Wynne |
- Bonnie Ship the Diamond (Trad)
John Inchingham |
Joya bint Arwa |
Juliane Bechaumpe |
- Lexandra's Victory
- Lexandra's Victory [Bardic Madness 2014]
- Lexandra's Victory [Pennsic 45 Concert]
- Morgause and the Selkie [Pennsic 44 Concert]
- Parrot Stories (Rumi)
- Wedding Night of Morgause [Pennsic 42 Concert]
- Wedding Night of Morgause, The
- Wedding Night of Morgause, The [Pennsic 44 Concert]
- Y'ishmael (Dahrien Corell))
Kári Gáranhirsson |
Kasha Alekseeva |
- For Annie (Edgar Allen Poe)
- Holy Pork Chop (Cangitgas de Santa Maria #159)
- Katerine Collaudemus (Anon)
- Ode To Cassandra (Pierre de Ronsard)
- Palästinalied (Walther von der Vogelweide)
- unknown title
Katerin ferch Gwenllian |
Kateryn Draper |
- Death of Cuchulain
- Ghost of Peabody Hall
Kudrun Pilegrim |
- My Mother's Other Daughter (music: Wyndreth Berginsdottir)
- Pious Lady
Kyppyn Kirkcaldy |
Lasair Inghen Ui h'Airt |
- Fight for the Mid-Realm
- Keep It Short
- Pentamere, Hand of the Dragon
- Platt Vogel
- Since First I Saw Your Face (Thomas Ford)
- Tom O'Bedlam (Trad)
- Will I Wear a Token Some Day
Líadan Liathán |
- Balthasar on the Bridge
- Cad é Sin Do'n Té Sin/What Matters the Matter (Trad)
- Careful Wish
- Chi Mi Na Morbheanna
- Don't Push a Princess
- End of the Tail (Jane Maillander)
- Mermaid's Daughter
- One of Us (Marian of Heatherdale)
- Rules of the Rapier Bard
- Senex MacDonald Habuit Fundum (Talis Kimberley)
- Squashing Faries
- We Staff of Feast Chefs (music: Kenneth MacQuarrie)
Llywelyn Glyndwr |
Lorelei Skye of Sans Nomen |
Lucia Elena Braganza |
Maedhbh ní Manainn |
Maelcolm Mor |
Maraha Kahanikar |
- Akbar & Birbal on Marriage
- Birbal Goes to Heaven
Margrett Norwoode |
- Who Bears the Heart of the Mighty Dragon
Marie la Fauconniere |
- Land Beyond the Sea, The
- Last Stand of a Legend (HE Anton du Marais, O.D., O.P.)
- Pennsic Poem
- Raven's Daughter
- Raven's Daughter [Pennsic 43 Concert]
- Selkie Song
Mathilda Harper |
- True Mid Realm Sailors
- Twelve Days of Pennsic
Melanie de la Tour |
- The Last Rose of Summer (Thomas Moore & John Stevenson)
- Return to Calontir
- There Is a Lady Sweet and Kind (Ford and Purcell)
- When Our Gallant Norman Foes (W S Gilbert & Arthur Sullivan)
Morgana bro Morganwg |
- Fleig and Knight Boy
Niamh inghean Lachlainn |
Parzival Angist |
Peter the Wander |
Piero Patroclus |
- Rose of the Midrealm (Llwelyn Glyndwr)
Pieter van der Eiken |
Ríoghnach Locha Eachach |
Robert The Perylous |
- Back to Indiana (Moonwulf Starkaadersson)
- Born to Be the Hero (Breice Dyllwan)
Róisín ingen Conaill |
Rowen Hen Enaid |
- Rise Griffin Rise
Rutger van Groningen |
Samson Muskovich |
Siobhán an Einigh of Connacht |
Sivrid Brumbach |
Sofia Tyzes |
- Tale of Duke Dagan
- Tale of Great Grandfather, A
Sparrow Hawksdotter |
Sternfeld Rapier Bards |
Tali Essen of the Isles |
Taliesin Wordweaver |
Teleri ferch Morgant ap Rhys |
- Galileo
Thomas Bordeaux |
Toki Skáldagörvir |
- Adventure of Isabella of York, An
- Always Get the Money First
- Leofwine's Wife, Part 1
- Leofwine's Wife, Part 2
- Sheep and Nuts
- Why There Are No Welshmen in Heaven
Tommaso 'il vecchio' Franceschi |
- Ballad of Captain Kidd (Trad)
- Baucis and Philemon (Ovid, so basically Ancient FanFic)
- Orlando Sleepeth (John Dowland)
Tonis van Driele |
Torquil MacGillavrey |
Trad |
Tualaith of Sternfeld |
- Watchmaiden (John Inchingham)
- Where Do We Ge 'Em and Why (Eleanor Fairchild)
- You Were Born to Be the Hero (Breecie Delwan)
Ursula Mortimer |
Valencia de Clariana |
- Phoenix
- Pie Jesu (Lorelei of Skye)
Verrix Verctissignos |
William Atherbridge |
William of Fairhaven |
- Garlanda's Song
Wyndreth Berginsdottir |