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Gianetta's Song

Lyrics: Davydd of Illiton            

There lives a lady in Illiton, all my love and all my joy
There lives a lady in Illiton, of grace and beauty
There lives a lady in Illiton, and she's fallen in love with a large Welshman
And bonny Gianetta is from Italy

In her merchant ship she sailed away, from Italy one shining day
She sailed away from Italy all bound for England
Across the bounding sea she rode with a cargo full of Castille soap
And bonny Gianetta was looking for to trade

She sailed across the bounding sea, and by the pillars of Hercules
Then northwards she did set her sail, all bound for London
But up there blew a mighty gale, and it forced her to a port in Wales
But bonny Gianetta her ship and crew did save

When she set her foot upon Welsh land, 'twas then she spied a harper man
She spied a lonesome harper man down by the seaside
So sweetly on his harp he played, that the lady's heart he stole away
And bonny Gianetta was tempted for to stay

They roamed the countryside of Wales, over hill and down through dale
Each night they'd spend at the harper's hall in joyous feasting
He wooed her with his celtic heart, and their souls were bound in a celtic knot
Gianetta and her harper are together to this day

There lives a lady in Illiton, all my love and all my joy
There lives a lady in Illiton, of grace and beauty
There lives a lady in Illiton, and she's fallen in love with a large Welshman
The lady's name is Gianetta, and the Welshman, well, that's me.

Lyrics © David Gibson
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