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Din Dirin DIn by Arrienne Ashford Din Dirin DIn (Anonymous) by Arrienne Ashford Recorded at the Coronation of Lucien & Catarina |
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A Princess Never Cries (AUDIO) A Princess Never Cries - Arrienne Ashford Recorded at the Cerian's Keep Bardic Circle 2007 at Cerian's Keep in the Province of Tree-Girt-Sea. |
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Princess Never Cries by Arrienne Ashford Princess Never Cries by Arrienne Ashford Recorded at the Coronation of Lucien & Catarina |
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A Princess Never Cries Concert: A Princess Never Cries - Arrienne Ashford Recorded at Bardic Madness 2022 in the Shire of the Ravenslake. Concert: If anyone has a piece (or pieces) they're dying to perform, but that doesn't really fit any of the criteria - this is the spot for it. |
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title and author unknown by Arrienne Ashford title and author unknown by Arrienne Ashford Recorded at Spring Crown 2013 Sadly, the hallway we were recording in had an extreme amount of background noise. This made getting a clean recording very difficult. Hopefully, I'll be able to get a cleaner version of this at some point. |
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title and author unknown by Arrienne Ashford title and author unknown by Arrienne Ashford Recorded at the Coronation of Lucien & Catarina |
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title unknown by Arrienne Ashford title unknown by Arrienne Ashford Recorded at the Coronation of Lucien & Catarina |
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unnamed Gaelic piece (AUDIO) unnamed Gaelic piece (unknown author) - Arrienne Ashford Recorded at the Cerian's Keep Bardic Circle 2007 at Cerian's Keep in the Province of Tree-Girt-Sea. |
This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com. |