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I Can Not Mend a Broken Shell I Can Not Mend a Broken Shell - Valencia de Clariana & Aaron faheud Swiftrunner Recorded at a BOD Meeting ~2006 in the Barony of Sternfeld. |
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Pie Jesu (AUDIO) Pie Jesu - Lorelei Skye Recorded at Mid-Realm Bardic Madness 2007 in Lochmorrow. Also singing, are Lucia Elena Branganza and Valencia de Clariana. Photos are from all over Facebook - which for once, actually proved useful. |
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unknown title (AUDIO) unknown title - Valencia de Clariana Recorded at a BOD Meeting ~2006 in the Barony of Sternfeld. |
This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com. |