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Joyously Buzzing A Riot of Colors: Joyously Buzzing - Alyna of Pinehyll Recorded at Northshield Bardic Madness 2023 in the Barony of Jararvellir. A Riot of Colors: From the Provost's list of words, create a new poem to bedazzle us. Blackberry Buzzing Careful Consent Crocus Dancer Earthen Gloaming Grave Joyous Pool Purple Rook Sneeze Wander |
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Bouillabaisse Bouillabaisse - Alyna of Pinehyll Recorded at Northshield Bardic Madness 2017 in Jaravellir. Bouillabaisse: From the provost’s list of words and of tunes, create a new song to bedazzle us. (A rhythmic rhyming poem would be ok, too, but not a story.) |
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Bouillabaisse Ninth challenge of the event, Bardic Madness XXVII: Poisson d'Avril, hosted by the Barony of Jararvellir (Northshield) and recorded on April 1, 2017. From the provost’s list of words and of tunes, create a new song to bedazzle us. (A rhythmic rhyming poem would be ok, too, but not a story.) Patron: THL Brendan O Corraidhe |
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Haul on the Oars Post-Revel: Haul on the Oars (Kudrun Pilegrim) - Alyna of Pinehyll Recorded at Northshield Bardic Madness 2023 in the Barony of Jararvellir. Post Revel: Time to sing everything we didn't get to during the rest of the day :--) |
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Kate's Final Monologue Open Stage Shakespeare: Kate's Final Monologue (William Shakespeare) - Alyna of Pinehyll Recorded at Mid-Realm Bardic Madness 2023 in the Shire of Narrental. Open Stage Shakespeare: Solo, With a friend or group - share one of Shakespeare's Sonnets, Soliloquies, Scenes ~ spoken or in song! Perhaps try to do all or part of a Shakespeare play in about 5 minutes |
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Reign for All Time Post-Revel: Reign for All Time (Dolan Madoc) - Alyna of Pinehyll Recorded at Northshield Bardic Madness 2023 in the Barony of Jararvellir. Post Revel: Time to sing everything we didn't get to during the rest of the day :--) |
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Volunteering May Never Be Dull Growth: Volunteering May Never Be Dull - Alyna of Pinehyll Recorded at Northshield Bardic Madness 2023 in the Barony of Jararvellir. Growth: Seize the day! Do something you've never performed before. Bonus points if it's documentably from our period or in period style. |
This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com. |