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Bransle de Champagne Period Piece: Bransle de Champagne (Claude Gervaise) - Tualaith of Sternfeld & Jolicia atte Northclyfe Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands. Period Piece: Perform a documentable work of music, song, story, poetry, or prose from among the many eras and cultures explored by the SCA. Dig out those reference books, blow off the dust (try not to sneeze), and discover what wonderful treasures are contained therein. Find something, be it silly or sublime, and amaze us all. |
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Jouyssance Vous Donneray Period Piece: Jouyssance Vous Donneray (Thoinot Arbeau) - Jolicia atte Northclyfe Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands. Period Piece: Perform a documentable work of music, song, story, poetry, or prose from among the many eras and cultures explored by the SCA. Dig out those reference books, blow off the dust (try not to sneeze), and discover what wonderful treasures are contained therein. Find something, be it silly or sublime, and amaze us all. |
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Pedro and His Destiny Pass the Tale: Pedro and His Destiny - Hildigunnr Halldorsdottir, Beatrice D'Rosignol, Tommaso 'il vecchio' Franceschi, Liam, Jolicia atte Northclyfe, Hilla Stormbringer, Caroline de Mercier, & Albreda Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands Pass the Tale All those who wish to participate get up together, and tell a tale from beginning to end. The challenge's patron will 'conduct' by pointing to the person whose turn it is to continue the tale, and deciding when it is time to end. Perhaps sharing a lesson learned in the story. |
This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com. |