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Blood for Odin Dervilla ni Leanon (Atlantia) tells a story in the Tavern at Ladies' Night hosted by Aneleda Falconbridge (East). Recorded at the SCA 50 Year Celebration, held at the Hendricks County Fairground, Danville, IN, 17- 26 June 2016. Please support independent musicians by buying their music whenever possible, listening attentively, and enjoying their talents. |
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Luminaries Concert #1 Luminaries Concert #1 Presented at Known World Cooks & Bards 7 in Northshield August 30, 2014 00 00:00:00 Introduction 01 00:02:16 Mistress Wyndreth Berginsdottir (Northshield) Border Widow's Lament 02 00:06:24 Master John Inchingham (Mid-Realm) Odyssey Abridged 03 00:12:43 THL Silence de Cherbourg (Æthelmearc) Wind on the Sea (Brehyres Gwendolyn the Graceful) 04 00:19:04 Mistress Dervila ni Leanon (Atlantia) Ottar's Head Ransom 05 00:24:49 Master Galeran Chanterel (An Tir) Roar 06 00:29:38 Viscountess Wander Riordan (Atenveldt) Star of the North 07 00:34:16 Master Robyyan Torr d'Elandris (Mid-Realm) Cantigas de Santa Maria 08 00:37:53 Master Ravasz Janos (Calontir) Newbie Uses the Showers 09 00:44:36 Mistress Aneleda Falconbridge (East) By the Weight of the Chain 10 00:49:22 Master Dolan Madoc of Harlech (Calontir) Kormarersmal (Master Mikal the Ram) 11 00:53:41 Magistra Fiana of Clare (Meridies) Light of the East 12 01:00:37 Master Fridrikr inn gamli Tommasson (Æthelmearc) Mansongr 13 01:06:28 Eleanor Fairchild (Ealdormere) Your Group's Name Here (Master Yaakov HaMizrachi) 14 01:10:42 Master Brendan O Corraidhe (Mid-Realm) The Death Lay of Bowie Gizzardsbane (John Myers Myers) 15 01:16:34 Mistress Morgana bro Morganwg (Ealdormere) The Fifty and the Valkyrie 16 01:26:06 Master Thomas Bordeaux (Northshield) My Queen 17 01:32:16 Mistress Adelaide de Beaumont (Ansteorra) The Pardoner's Tale: Seek the Reaper |
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Tristan, Isolde, & the Trial of Iron Tristan, Isolde, & the Trial of Iron - Dervilla ni Leanon Recorded at the Pennsic 44 Bardic Expo. |
This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com. |