KWCB circle

KWCB Concerts

KWCB circle
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Schedule: Friday Schedule | Saturday Schedule | Sunday Schedule

All Zoom passcodes are cookbard
This link will take you to the main Social Room.
Once there, go to either the Stage or Bardic Circle breakout room.

All times are in EDT.
To convert to your own location's date and time, please click: Timezone Converter

If you would like to indicate interest in attending one or more concerts or bardic circles, please login and press the 'Show Interest' buttons that will appear next to them on this page.

Friday Night Bardic Circle Friday 11:00 PM   Location: Bardic Circle
The circle will run from approximately 11PM until oh dark thirty.
Gwendolyn the Graceful: AEthelmearc and other topics Saturday 08:00 PM   Location: Stage
Gwendolyn the Graceful, Brehyres (OL) sings a little.

Old faves, little-known gems, and something new...

Hilla Stormbringer & Friends Sunday 07:00 PM   Location: Stage
Hilla and her friends present an hour of story, song, and poem.
I Verdi Confusi - The Calendimaggio Affair Friday 10:00 PM   Location: Stage
Journeyman Concert Saturday 09:00 PM   Location: Stage
Performances by up and coming journeyman bards.
Luminaries Concert Sunday 08:00 PM   Location: Stage
Performances by some of the best bards in the known world. They include:
Maestra Ambra Michelli Sunday 06:00 PM   Location: Stage
A concert by Maestra Ambra Michelli, OL (MKA Samantha Moore) Kingdom of Trimaris, SCA

A Ravenboy Music Recording Artist

For Lyrics & Contact Info, Visit: Harts Haven Company

Marian of Heatherdale - A Kingdom of Ealdormere Celebration! Saturday 07:00 PM   Location: Stage
Mistress Marian of Heatherdale and friends present a concert to celebrate the Kingdom of Ealdormere's re-opening at the start of September.

Also appearing will be:
THL Emer nic Aidan
THL Dietrich von Sachsen
Dame TSivia bas Tamara

Sponsered by Their Lupine Majesties
Amelius Claudius Rattanicus and Isabel
Rex and Regina Ealdormere

Mid-Realm Bardic Showcase Friday 07:00 PM   Location: Stage
The Dragon Bard, Mistress Honor von Atzinger, hosts this concert presenting bards from the Mid-Realm.
Mistress Morgan Wolfsinger Saturday 06:00 PM   Location: Stage
A concert by Mistress Morgan Wolfsinger of Atlantia.
Saturday Night Bardic Circle Saturday 10:30 PM   Location: Bardic Circle
The circle will run from approximately 10:30PM (or whenever the Journeyman concert ends) until oh dark thirty.
Simon and Elizabeth de Spaldyng / Tuppence Friday 09:00 PM   Location: Stage
Simon and Elizabeth de Spaldying present an hour concert of vocal and instrumental music on various instruments, including crwth (Wales), nyckelharpa (Sweden), and erhu (China),
Summer's End Tavern Saturday 01:00 PM   Location: Stage
Should you find yourself needing an afternoon decompress, pull up a drink, snack, and/or craft while listening to performances at the Summer's End event in the Canton of Beau Fleuve (Æthelmearc). Depending on amount of in-person participation, we may welcome performances from the virtual audience as well.
Sunday Night Bardic Circle Sunday 10:00 PM   Location: Bardic Circle
The circle will run from approximately 10PM (or whenever the Luminaries concert ends) until oh dark thirty.
The Angel of Death Friday 06:30 PM   Location: Stage
Mistress Fiana of Clare performs her story, The Angel of Death.

Home | Attendees | Classes | Class Handouts | Concerts | Merchant Hall | Staff | Login
Schedule: Friday Schedule | Saturday Schedule | Sunday Schedule

This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr,
  Last updated: 11-Sep-2021