oak leaf

Mid-Realm Bardic Madness X - The Road Taken

oak leaf

Greetings and welcome are bid to all Bards, Troubadors, Trouveres, Minstrels, Minnesingers, Jongleurs, Singers, Storytellers, Poets, Scops, Skalds, Fillids, Olaves, Griots, Wordsmiths, and Friends of these arts. Also Musicians, Dancers, Jugglers, Magicians, and Players as well.

This year's Bardic Madness will take place on November 22nd, 2008 (weekend before Thanksgiving). Our hosts will be the Shire of Grey Gargoyles (Chicago, IL). Many thanks go to all of them for their hospitality in helping the bardic community out this year.

Our theme this year will be all about journeys - roads both taken and not.

Additionally, Her Majesty AnneLyse will be gracing us with her regal pesence. She is planning on selecting the next kingdom bard from among the day's participants.

Site: Ida Noyes Hall, University of Chicago, 1212 E. 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 (Click here for map.)
Site opens at 9 am and closes at 10 pm
The first Challenge period begins at 9:30
Merchants are welcome. Please contact the event steward, Etienne le Couteau des Roches.

For assistance in finding crash space or information about local hotels, please contact the event steward, Etienne le Couteau des Roches.

Pre-registration must be post-marked on or before November 15th, 2008.

Fees: Site $5.00       Please make checks payable to SCA - Shire of Grey Gargoyles
Children 12 and under $3.00
Non-Members + $3.00 send reservations to: Terrence Fernbach
Feast $10.00 521 W. Briar Pl #508
Merchants $5.00 Chicago IL 60657

General Info | Directions | Schedule | Challenges | Classes | Concert | Patrons | Lunch & Feast | Lodging | Merchants | Post Rev | Staff

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This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com.

Last updated: 2016-05-06