oak leaf

Mid-Realm Bardic Madness X Lunch

oak leaf


A lunch will be served on site. Details will be posted soon.


A sumptous feast featuring foods from northeast Europe will be served. The menu will be posted soon. For dietary concerns and other questions, please contact our head cook, Bojei Timur

On the Table:     Breads
Butter & Honey Butter

First Course:     Dilled Salmon in Puff Pastry
Parmesan Cheese Twists
Chicken Bitki with a Horseradish Sauce
      (Fluffy chicken meatballs flavored with nutmeg and mushrooms)
Celery and Beet Salad
Carrots with Honey Butter

Second Course:     Roast Pork Braised in Sour Cream and Cider,
      Stuffed with Apples, Raisins, Bread, and Orange Zest
Extra Stuffing :-)
Cabbage Stewed with Bacon, Garlic, Caraway, Pears, Wine, and Honey
Egg Noodles

Dessert:     Honey Cake with Whipped Cream
Orange Sections in Cinnamon Sugar

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This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com.

Last updated: 2016-05-06