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The Stars Are Telling

THL Lucia Elena Braganza            

Patient stars do list to hear
The toungeless yet have much to say
Give voice to things you hold most dear

The trees don't speak with words so clear
Nor windswept fields where stories stay
Patient stars do list to hear

And echoes send to haunt my ears
"Do not let us silent lay!"
Give voice to things you hold most dear

The bravery of sword and spear
Names and glory, fearsome fray
Patient stars do list to hear

Honor, virtue, grace, good cheer
Love of homeland: show you may
Give voice to things you hold most dear

Tread giants' footsteps without fear
Set words to feelings all convey
Patient stars do list to hear
Give voice to things you hold most dear

Lyrics © 2005 Kathi Coutinho
Permission to perform in non-paying venues with this copyright attached, granted.
Permission to duplicate for non-profit purposes with this copyright attached, granted.

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This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com.