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Tonis van Driele's Videos


Danny Boy RIP
Tonis van Driele with an original by Shay Veno for The Clare Voyants in the Tavern at Middle Kingdom
50 Year Anniversary, the weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville,
Indiana, at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairground.)

Fine Life
Fine Life - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Simple Day 2018 in the Barony of Sternfeld

It's a Fine Life
It's a Fine Life - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Mid-Realm Spring Crown 2023 in the Barony of Cleftlands.

It's Not the Whiskey
An Ode to Favorite Beverages: It's Not the Whiskey - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands

An Ode to Favorite Beverages:
Midrealm Bardic Madness is old enough to drink! (...and has a bottomless pot of the 'Brew That Is
True' available - coffee!)
Create or perform a work musing on, or praising, a favorite libation and/or other sorts of
refreshments. Hail Hydrate!

Mid-Realm Dragon
Tonis van Driele with an original piece in the Tavern at Middle Kingdom 50 Year Anniversary, the
weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville, Indiana, at the Hendricks County
4-H Fairground.)

The Mid-Realm Goes to War
The Sternveldt Rapier Bards are made up of Tonis van Driele, Brigitta Rosa von Metten, Lucia Elena
Braganza, Dai Gerdwr.& Líadan Liathán. Recorded in the Tavern at Middle Kingdom 50 Year
Anniversary, the weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville, Indiana, at the
Hendricks County 4-H Fairground.)

Minstrel Boy
Tonis van Driele with a traditional song (new verses by Cosimo Orsini) in the Tavern at Middle
Kingdom 50 Year Anniversary, the weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville,
Indiana, at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairground.)

Old Mother Hubbard
Old Mother Hubbard (PDQ Bach) - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Simple Day 2023 in the Barony of Sternfeld.

Procession & Praise Poems
Procession & Praise Poems
Recorded at Mid-Realm Spring Crown 2023 in the Barony of Cleftlands.

Their Royal Majesties:
King Louis LeCoffrier
Queen Sadb ingen Donnchadha

Combatants & Consorts:
Master Aelf of Kingscrossing fighting for Mistress Gwyneth Banfhidhleir
Lord Algar Irenhend fighting for THL Seonaid inghean Ghriogair
Rædesmann Andreas Blacwode fighting for Dame Maggie MacKeith
Lord Andreas Renardi fighting for Lady Chrysanthème des Prés
Sergeant Ávanger Håvardson fighting for Lady Adaline La Savonniere
Captain Brice Calquhoun fighting for Mistress Brangwayn Snowden
Sir Criomhthann CuRua fighting for Baroness Sadb Ingen Neill
Mistress Constanza de Mendoza fighting for Baron Syr Calum MacDhaibhidh
Sir Crispin dela Rochefoucauld fighting for Baroness Gianna Vettori
THL Dawood al-Tayyib al-Samari fighting for THL Arianwen Triona Cerridwen o Wyndham
Lord GrimR Skallagrimson fighting for Dame Marie la Fauconniere
Sir Ixtilixochitl de los Indios fighting for The Honorable Lady Norelle
Viscount Kith von Atzinger fighting for Duchess Arianwen ferch Morgan
THL Krzysztof cul Bun fighting for Metressa Alzbeta Michalik
Baron Miles Longfellow fighting for Maestra Katayoun al-Aurvataspa
Count Nikolai Grigorevich Petrov fighting for Countess Serena Kimbalwyke
Sir Rodrigo Vargas de Leon fighting for Baroness Collette de Valois
Count Seto Gesshuko fighting for Astemari Zahra Tesfaye
Sir Sivrid Brumbach fighting for Lady Dorothea de Beckham
Sor Ustad Hasan al Hajjii fighting for Lady Rowen Hen Enaid
Sir Wigthegn the Younger fighting for Captain Neassa O'Cathasaigh
Count William of Fairhaven fighting for Countess Isolde de la Ramee

Lady Annalena Cecilia Massari
Baron Breddelwyn ap Taliesin
Lord Dai Gerdwr
Baroness Eadaoin Ghormshuileach
Lord Ezra ha-Yona
Lady Gabrielle Flournoise
Lady Líadan Liathán
Meistra Lucia Elena Braganza
Master Tonis van Driele
Lady Zoya Dragomirova

Lady Albreda Ismeria
Lady Bird the Bard
Master Brendan O Corraidhe
Baron Breddelwyn ap Taliesen
THL Brigitta Rosa von Metten
Lord Dai Gerdwr
Baroness Eadaoin Ghormshuileach
Lord Ezra ha-Yona
THL Hilla Stormbringer
al-Mu’allima Jahan Ara bint al-Yehya amat al-Hafeeza
Lady Líadan Liathán
Meistra Lucia Elena Braganza
Mistress Marie la Fauconniere
Lady Maedhbh Ní Manainn
Lady Meadhbh Ramsay
THL Necu Hawke
Lady Tomyris Tigrakauda
Master Tonis van Driele
Lady Tualaith of Sternfeld
Mistress Ursula Mortimer
Lady Zoya Dragomirova

Master Cerian Cantwr
THL Leandra Corzi
Lord Tarmach ben Yehuda al-Khazari

Heralds & Boasts:
Baron Gilebert le braceeur
Master Vorlin o'r Gwig
Countess Ynes de Jaen

Rest and Repeat
Rest and Repeat - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at the Spring Slumber Bardy 2023 in the Barony of Sternfeld.

The Rules of the Rapier Bards
The Sternveldt Rapier Bards are made up of Tonis van Driele, Brigitta Rosa von Metten, Lucia Elena
Braganza, Dai Gerdwr.& Líadan Liathán. Recorded in the Tavern at Middle Kingdom 50 Year
Anniversary, the weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville, Indiana, at the
Hendricks County 4-H Fairground.)

Sheep Shanty
Sheep Shanty (Talis Kimberley) - Lucia Elena Braganza & Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Mid-Realm Spring Crown 2023 in the Barony of Cleftlands.

The Short Road to Glory
The Sternveldt Rapier Bards are made up of Tonis van Driele, Brigitta Rosa von Metten, Lucia Elena
Braganza, Líadan Liathán & Dai Gerdwr. This song, by Lucia, was recorded in the Tavern at Middle
Kingdom 50 Year Anniversary, the weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville,
Indiana, at the Hendricks County 4-H Fairground.)

So You Wish to Be a Bard
Blow Someone Else's Horn: So You Wish to Be a Bard (Rathflaed DuNoir) - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands

Blow Someone Else's Horn:
Perform the work of some other SCAdian. Extra applause for matching the theme of the day and/or
choosing something that is not well-known.

Two Months 'Til I Become King
Post Revel: Two Months 'Til I Become King (music: Barenaked Ladies) - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands.

Post Revel:
Time to sing everything we didn't get to during the rest of the day :--)

Wild Hunt
Il Destino: Wild Hunt (Sim MacFearchair) - Tonis van Driele
Recorded at Bardic Madness 2019 in the Barony of the Cleftlands

Il Destino
In the middle ages many believed that one's fate was determined by an outside force. Conversely,
there are stories of people determining their own or overcoming a predetermined fate. Present a
song, story, or poem where any of these is proven true or false.

Wounded Warrior
Tonis van Driele singing an original piece in the Tavern at Middle Kingdom 50 Year Anniversary, the
weekend of May 24-27, 2019 in the Barony of Sternveldt (in Danville, Indiana, at the Hendricks County
4-H Fairground.)

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This page maintained by Cerian Cantwr, cerian@minstrel.com.