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In Progress: 2019 Pent - Wool Woven project: Groundish-up trim or project from spun wool [Costuming, Culture Studies, Dying, Fiber Arts, Spinning, Weaving]
by Siobhán an Einigh of Connacht

Groundish-up trim or woven project from spun wool.
Target period = TP = 1000 CE Ireland

Stage: To do list and research, see notes

-Target period = TP = 1000 CE Ireland

Project to-do list:
- Research sheep in Ireland around TP
- Verify if any extant wool trim from TP
- If not, what other woven projects from TP
- Research spun thread TP - particular twist, properties, specific spindle tye
- Decide exact project - trim, bag, other? Design pattern. If trim, see how much needed trim a
- Spin thread - calc how much needed
- Research dyes TP - materials, tools, methods
- Gather materials/tools/methods of above for dye
- Dye thread
- Research weaving - tools, methods
- Weave thread for project.